
Amateurs talk about tactics, but professionals study logistics... ~ General Omar Bradley

Logistics, it's not what we do, but what we have to do.

Part of the CMB's effort is providing efficient logistics. We try to keep our footprint to the minimum on the overall public stockpiles, and even try to provide supplies to them when we can. To keep within our medical theme, we usually focus on a very narrow bandwidth of supply types. This assures that both front-line assembly alongside the Battalion has a mass surplus.


Remember! the most important thing about our logistics is we want YOU, yes YOU... To pace yourself, at no time do we want any member to feel they are compelled to do the entire logistical process by themselves. Always feel free to just do one part of the journey. Rather it's simply gathering up some crates of Bmats or driving a single truck to a new location.

Backline to Frontline

We balance our logistics into 3 main back line regions, which can move around depending on the war effort. They can be broken down to this.

  • Mid-Line

    • This is the 2nd stop for our supplies goes. This is usually the center most of the map and allows us to push forward

  • Back-Line

    • Often are Back line selection does not contain a MPF. So we usually designing one location for a MPF when possible to make those few trips for large orders when needed.

  • Front-Line

    • Often multiple locations, that are usually a region away from the conflicts

  • FOB

    • FOB is a small Tent structure that can be built with a CV. It serves as a cheaper alternative to Bunker Bases, and function roughly the same.


Staging is key to the CMB's sucsess in assuring self-sustainability, not just in supplies but also to avoid nasty burnout with logistics. To give an example: out of the 24 real life days of a war, members only spent a total of 3 of those days gathering war materials to supply us for the duration. This includes going back to harvest component's and ordering other tech that is unlocked for our needs.

The chart below shows each stage including transportation of the materials to location to location. Remember, ANY of these task's can be assistive or passed on to another member if necessary. Please don't feel you need to do the entire logistical process if you don't want to, and always feel free to ask for help.

In non-relic wars, rare Resources give you Salvage which can be sorted at a refinery for various metals. We found over time this is the preferred way of getting our early Rmats surplus and can be done in a couple hours. This saves the need to constantly camp Component mines.

What, Were, and How Many to build.

To keep our logistics focused, and to avoid the realm of heavy logistics. We focus on items that only will help us as medics and our mission.

Intial War Effort

When the war begins the logistical race begins. We tend to focus heavily on our logistics because as soon as we have completed our goals, we generally can spend the rest of the war up on the front line. Typically the clan lead or officer will push out a war plan indicating which back region will be our main hub, and were the mid-line will be established. Any member can establish the status quo reserve if they happen to be the first ones to deposit materials to a port. Just remember to share that information, and for others to also utilize that.

Supply Quotas

To make things simple and unified. We breakdown our initial logistical push into 2 phases.

Phase 1 - Gathering

Our goal is to get a 100 crates of each medical, and a few MPF orders before we fully mobilize. We do this to assure that it gets done as fast as possible which means maximized front line time for all for most of the war. In event of crowding you can use multiple back line hubs to produce, but ultimately all resources get collected to our main location.

Phase 2 - Shipping to Mid

After our quotas have been completed. We move into Phase 2. Phase 2 involves loading up a 1-2 ships with large shipping containers consisting of 60 of each medical item. A second trip or ship might be used to also haul our vehicle crates over to the mid-line as well.

Factory Production

Note, that uniforms are not always part of the quota depending on what Tech Tier they are in. If unlocked however, it's best to make them in the MPF. MPF orders should also contain crates of 5 each time.

FOB (Forward Operating Base)

FOBS serve a bit of a different purpose for us then what they typically are for in Foxhole, they serve as a much closer staging point for our forces; allowing us to direct deploy into a heavy qued region without the need to always go grab additional resources to bring into the region. Typically FOBS serve as a place to park our vehicles, store spare supplies, and even have a few small storage containers with crates handy for quick distribution.

In addition, please be aware of the following things when/if you plan to establish a FOB at the front.

  • FOB should be within the same region of the front-line conflict.

  • It should be generally outside of the basic view distance of other bases. This helps assist with keeping our equipment intact for when we log-in next round.

  • It should be set within what is firmly our territory. Preferably by AI-manned defenses.

  • Should be fully enclosed with walls, and wrenches stored in the CV and or Crane.

  • You should contain enough space to allow for multiple vehicles to park in and out. It also does not necessarily require a field hospital.

Remember... there is ALWAYS a risk that FOBS may be destroyed, raided (by friend or foe), etc. Never store anything here that we might lose. Also be sure to respect Collies that do take items from it, as we generally want the benefit of the doubt in our community working for the same goal.