
This is a general guide to our basic load outs, and additional equipment you might use in the field as a medic. Note the load outs are often bare minimum, this is to allow maximum flexibility in getting the gear you need without feeling like you have to overspecialize.

Basic Medical

This is the basic loadout of most CMB medics. It provides a strict medical role feel, why leaving some room to customize, and weight to carry a wounded and CWS.

Combat Life Saver

This load out is primary focused on combat, with light medical duties. As a CMB member we encourage ALWAYS having a first aid loaded on you to provide healing at any time.


Pre-Uniform will have you forgo a full 5 stack of each item, and instead leave you with additional two slots for picking up items or extra ammo. Remember since your in a regular uniform your ammo can stack so use this to your advantage for extra secondary.

Other Equipment

Here is a list of other items you might use or deploy that often mix well with our line of work.


Grenades serve as a good defensive tool for medics, particularly in war zones with heavy cover. You can utilize them to force a enemy to fall back temporary so you can grab a wounded.

Listening Kits

Takes up a few slots in the ambulance, great for setting up in more static lines where you can take advantage of enemy watch towers.

Heavy Weapons

When you have multiple people, setting up a few tri-pod mounted weapons is a great way to establish a hard fallback line for us to rally to, or simply provide a additional tool for other soldiers to push up on. Also a great way to produce additional critical wounded.